For a long time we've been asked by our customers if we could find them locally sourced flowers.
Until recently we've always had problems with either price or quality - or both! - and this has left us somewhat disappointed. Thankfully things have changed due to a lady called Anne and her farm near Pathead.
For the past few weeks she has been delivering gorgeous bunches of home grown garden flowers and they have been flying out the door. We took a bunch home the first week to road test them and were very happy with how good they looked and how well they lasted.
In order to spread the word we've dropped an email to the Shandon Food Group, an environmental organisation in the area, that work hard to spread the home grown message and generally do good stuff for the environment.
Today brought us 2 weddings, one at our local church, St Michael's, and the other in nearby Corstorphine.
This is the first Saturday since Lorna, our trusted weekender, has left us. She walked into the shop many years ago and asked if she could come in and work for free! After taking advantage of her good nature for a while we decided to pay her and she has been a regular feature of our Saturday shenanigans since.
Unfortunately her 'proper' job, offered her more hours and money and she decided to reclaim the weekends for herself, leaving us to pick up the slack, sweep the floors and make our own coffees.
On the plus side, we don't need to pay her anymore so Adios Amigo!
Thats it for now, bye.
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