Saturday 3 April 2010

And the winner is....

Well, actually there are 2 winners! Tom aged 5 and Emily aged 4 both guessed 260 eggs, which was the nearest guess to the correct answer of 262!

So they both win a nice large choccie egg to munch on and a bouquet of flowers each (which they may like to keep to make their bedrooms look pretty, or they could be well brought up kids, and donate them to someone they love ;o))

Finn aged 4 came very close with 265, so he has been awarded a wee choccie egg goodie bag.

So well done guys, you are obviously all destined for University having such mathematical skill!

We are closing the shop on Monday so we can recover from eating too many eggs. Hopefully the 'spring snow' will stay away next week unlike earlier on this week, and maybe the sun will shine ...hmm....

Happy Easter to you all!