Saturday 10 March 2012

Tea Cups and Talented Kids at Mother's Day

This year for Mother's Day, we decided to fill our window with some very pretty vintage tea cups filled with some equally pretty flowers

All the tea cup arrangements are for sale, so if you fancy treating your mum (or yourself!) to one just call or pop in. 

As gorgeous as the window looked though, we thought it needed a bit more colour.  So we asked the children at our local Primary School, Craiglockhart to draw their mums a Mother's Day card which we would display in our window.  What an amazing response we had! Our window, wall and front shop door are covered in the most colourful, imaginative and sweet cards we've ever seen.  Take a look at a (small) selection:

We are going to choose 3 shortly that we think are the best, and ask everyone to vote for their favourite on our Facebook page - 

The winner will receive a gorgeous bouquet of flowers for their mum (or whoever they'd like to give it to), and a goody bag full of sugary sweet things for the artist.

Don't forget your mum on Sunday 18th!

Friday 2 March 2012

Pollination on Facebook and Twitter

We are not, as has often been mentioned, been the most prolific of bloggers!

This is not necessarily a bad thing as nobody wants to be bombarded by daily blogs that really have nothing to say :)

However, we do feel that we can be a little more active in our online duties but perhaps this is not the best medium to do it.

For a while now we have been using Twitter and Facebook as we feel we can be a lot more concise with what we say, post single pictures and also engage more freely with our 'fans'.

Please come and visit us to be kept up to date with whats going on and ask us anything thats on your mind - preferably flower related but not exclusively so :)

At present we are running a monthly competition on FB where one of our fans will win a lovely bouquet of flowers. The first draw will be made early next week so don't miss out.

We will continue to post blogs when we feel we have something that needs more than a picture or a few lines of text to convey.